Friday, 27 February 2009

Introducing The Trojan Eaters

...and the main reason why there hasn't been much activity on this blog recently.

I joined this new covers band...we're currently putting the finishing touches to our set and hope to be out gigging very soon. We may need to do a couple of freebies though as most of the venues we've spoken to seem a little uncertain about booking a brand new band with no proven track record.

I'm thoroughly enjoying playing again...I always regretted giving it up all those years ago. It's much better this time - we're all pretty much in the same boat...been there before, gave it up for one reason or another, regretted it and now just want to do something more laid back and basically do what we enjoy doing.

...but it does mean my terragen & computer music stuff have taken a back-seat for a while. Let's just see what happens.

(And, yes - I know...any US friends reading this might be giggling at the band name...but we don't really have that brand over here in the UK!?)